The term ‘Siddhar’ refers to a person who has perfected the Ashtma (Eight) Siddhis. They are said to have the Divine knowledge which helps them transcend the cycle of birth and death. They serve selflessly for the upliftment of humanity by helping people raise their spiritual awareness apart from relieving them of their physical as well as mental ailments. 

Bogar Siddhar who is one of the revered 18 Siddhas is well known for his ardent devotion to Lord Muruga. He had mastered all the Siddhis and was especially gifted in the science of Alchemy. With the welfare of humanity in mind, Bogar Siddhar created “Medicinal Idols” of Lord Muruga which had the ability to cure humanity from many incurable diseases during the difficult age of Kali. They are considered as a ‘Master Medicine’ for diseases. It was built in such a way that it is indestructible by fire, water and could even survive an apocalypse (Pralayam).

He has also been credited with creating and consecrating a “Dasapashanam” Moorthy of Lord Kulanthai Velappar at the Poombarai village in Kodaikannal. 

History of Lord Kulanthai Velappar Temple at Poombarai 

According to the legends, more than 3000 years ago, Lord Muruga had given the Chera King an assurance that He will give the king a vision of His “Thiru Kalyanam” at Poombarai after the return of the king from the Pazhani Thiruvizha. The king instructed the famed sculptor Devadakshan to build a beautiful Kalyana Mandapam with 16 pillars. On each of these pillars a Dwara palakar or (guardian) of Lord Muruga was to be depicted. The Mandapam was built facing the direction of Pazhani and the king on his return was given the divine vision of Muruga Peruman’s Thiru Kalyanam as foretold. Even Devas, Munis, Siddhars and Saints were able to see the vision granted to the king at Poombarai. Those who could not make it at that time came later to see the mandapam. (Details about the Dasapashanam idol being more than 3000 years and the history behind it can be found on the stone inscriptions at the Kulanthai Velappar temple at Poombarai). Meanwhile Bogar Siddhar who had just returned from his sojourn in China met his chief disciple Pulipani Siddhar at Pazhani. Pulipani Siddhar told him how Lord Muruga had graced the Chera King with the vision of His Divine Wedding and how the celestials and saints had been able to witness it. Bogar immediately proceeded with his disciple Pulipani Siddhar to see the mandapam. He greatly admired the artwork done on the mandapam. He felt he should create an equally beautiful idol of Lord Muruga in His Dhandayudhapani form and place it in the mandapam.

Dasapashanam Idol – Place of its creation

Let us take a quick look as to where Bogar Siddhar and his disciples lived while making the Dasapashanam idol.

i) Bogar Gajam or Bogar Kadu (Forest)

Bogar Siddhar worked with his disciples in a dense forest that can be found midway between Poombarai and Pazhani. Bogar Siddhar is said to have favoured the forest for its environment, divine vibrations, privacy, Mooligai (herbs) and the ready availability of a water source – the Shenbaga River. This place later came to be known as Bogar Gajam or Bogar Kadu. (The natives till date have the tradition of going to Bogar Gajam to pray and receive blessings for bountiful rainfall once every year for their crops after observing spiritual austerities.)

ii) Aanai Mutti Cave

Bogar Siddhar and his disciples lived in the “Aanai Mutti” cave in the forest during the making of the Dasapashanam idol. This cave can be found on the way towards Bogar Gajam from Poombarai. (The cave derives its name from its walls which are full of markings left by the elephants in the forest, who used to rub against the stones of the cave to relieve themselves of insects).

Consecration of the Dasapashanam Moorthy

Bogar Siddhar added a special ingredient called “Guru Moopu” apart from the ten pashanams or poisons while making the idol. It was a chemical mixture that acted as a binding agent and gave the idol a stone like appearance. He also added the baspam or the fine powder of various Navarathnam (semi-precious stones) in the creation of the idol. As per the revelations of Muruga Peruman to Shri Rejith Kumar one of the elements used in creating the idol has the ability to enable humans to live on Mars. 

Bogar Siddhar after making the idol, consecrated the Moorthy of Lord Muruga at the Kalyana Mandapam with the help of the Chera King. 

The Years That Followed

In the beginning, the Adivasi villagers taught of Muruga Peruman as their Kula deivam (clan deity) and prayed to Him. Both farmers and hunters would worship him with their offerings and only then eat their food. They lovingly adorned their Lord with the creepers and flowers they would find nearby. They appointed village priests would take the offerings made at the temple, as their food in return for their services.

The idol was worshipped in the mandapam by the next nine generations of the Chera dynasty. However, as time passed by, the mandapam gradually reached a neglected state. The villagers tried to protect the idol by burying it on a higher ground where the present temple of Lord Kulanthai Velappar stands.

After many years, people began to farm in this area because of the availability of a water source nearby. While digging the soil they found the idol. They built a small hut and reverentially placed the idol of Lord Muruga there and started the worship again.

Meanwhile the villagers heard that Raja Punaiyathu Thambiran of Travancore was building a temple for Lord Vigneshwaran at Pollur. They approached him and requested him to build a temple for them as well. He remarked that he would finish the construction of the temple he had taken on and then come to help them. But that very night, Muruga Peruman directed him to go and build the temple at Poombarai as requested by the villagers. The villagers told him the history behind the Kalyana Mandapam and Bogar Siddhar’s association with it. Raja Punaiyathu Thambiran got skilled craftsmen from the Chera Kingdom to construct the temple. He used the pillars and stones from the old mandapam to construct the temple. The temple was built facing the direction of Kerala.

The Dasapashanam moorthy of Lord Muruga was duly consecrated in the temple. He gave further instructions to follow the tradition of doing flag hoisting at the Poombarai temple on the day following the hoisting of the flag at the Pazhani Thiruvizha and further added that the Thiruvizha at Poombarai must be celebrated in the same way as that of Pazhani.

Saint Arunagirinathar’s Visit

Saint Arunagirinathar is said to have visited Poombarai during the 15th century to take the darshan of Lord Muruga. He spent the night in the temple premises. A brahma rakshashi (demoness) who was flying past, saw an infant playfully climbing all over the sleeping Arunagirinathar. She wrongly thought him to be a lady and left him alone. Thus, Lord Muruga took the form of an infant and rescued His devotee Arunagirinathar’s life. The local villagers from then onwards began to call their Lord Muruga as “Kulanthai Velappar” – the infant God who holds His Vel and protects His beloved devotees from all harm. 

Lord Kulanthai Velappar’s Temple at Poombarai

Kulanthai Velappar temple which comes under the jurisdiction of the Pazhani Devasthanam holds a place of pride in the beautiful and picturesque village of Poombarai.  

It is located about 20 kilometers away from the city of Kodaikannal in the Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu, India. The temple is built according


to the South Indian Architectural style. Saint Arunagirinathar in one of his Thiruppugazh songs (#620) describes the beauty of Poombarai and says it’s a place filled with groves of Neem, Jack fruit and Plantain trees, lush greenery and flowers and calls it the abode of Lord Muruga.

The main sanctum of Lord Kulanthai Velappar faces the eastern direction.

His Peacock Vahanam is found near the Bali Peedam and the flag staff (Kodimaram) faces the main sanctum of Lord Kulanthai Velappar.

Lord Kulanthai Velappar’s luminous eyes seems to look at the world with infinite compassion. In His bala swaroopam, He bewitchingly smiles at all those who come to take His darshan while being adorned royally in a silk dhothi and a crown. He is found in a standing posture holding a staff or dhandam in His right hand while His left hand is placed on His hip.

Sandal wood paste is applied on the Moorthy at night. During the night the Moorthy ‘perspires’ as the heat absorbed by Him during the day condenses at night when the temperature drops. The “Raakala Sandhanam” so collected is later distributed as a medicine for the devotees; similar to the practice carried out in the Lord Dhandayudhapani temple at Pazhani.

The Abhisekham is done with Water, Milk, Vibuthi and Panchamritham. It absorbs the medicinal properties of the idol and serves to relieve people from ailments like Diabetes and Cancer amongst others.

There is a small shrine inside the sanctum sanctorum for the Urchava Moorthies (processional deities) of Lord Ganesha and Lord Muruga with His Divine Consorts Goddess Devanai and Goddess Valli.

One can find the moorthies of Lord Nataraja and Lord Dattatreya on the walls around the Garba graha as Koshta idols. There are also separate shrines dedicated to Lord Shiva, Lord Vinayagar, Navagraham 


(Nine Planets), Lord Bhairavar, Idumban, Lord Dakshinamurthy, and the Naga deities. This temple is specially known for celebrating the “Ther Thiruvizha” for 10 days starting on the day of Kettai Star immediately following the Thai Poosam festival.

Benefits of Visiting the Kulanthai Velappar Temple

The devotees who come to worship in this temple get the following benefits: (1) Removal of hurdles in marriage (2) Relief from childlessness and (3) To get good health and prosperity. Bogar Siddhar has consecrated the idol of Lord Kulanthai Velappar in Poombarai - a place which receives abundant Karthika or Pleiadian energies. This is as per the revelation given by Muruga Peruman to Shri Rejith Kumar. The Dasapashanam moorthy of Lord Kulanthai Velappar is one of a kind in the world. Apart from being medicinal in nature He also graces the devotees who come to this blessed temple with divine Karthika energies; this in turn helps the spiritual aspirants on their path by leading them to a higher state of awareness.

Om Saravana Bhavaya Namaha

Mrs.Sowmya Nikhil, Mrs.Asha Jagannathan, Mrs.Rani Pandian, Mrs. Jyoti Sena and Mr. Arun Murugan


1. Poombarai Navapashana Murugan Silai by Shri T.R. Govindan 
2. Bogar Gajam & Aanai Mutti CaveVendhar Channel (Moondravathu Kann Program) 58 
3. Kulanthai Velappar Temple ai-velappar?stype=topics&cmd=list


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