Shri RejithKumar"s Role in the Return of the Kumari Kandam Energies Part 2

Author: Mrs.Sowmya Nikhil

Shri Rejith Kumar was directed by Lord Muruga in 2017, to start a mission called the ‘Lion Mayura Royal Kingdom’ or (LMRK) which would serve as a global platform to carry out the divine duties assigned by Lord Muruga in Muruga Yugam and this is closely related to Kumari Kandam and Mars. The name of the mission was given to Shri Rejith Kumar by Lord Muruga Himself. ‘Lion’ represents ‘Lord Lakshmi Narsimhar’ (Lord of Mars) and ‘Mayura’ represents ‘Lord Muruga (Lord of Kumari Kandam)

How is LMRK different from other spiritual organisations?

The uniqueness of this organisation is that this mission is run only as per the divine direction given by Lord Muruga to Shri Rejith Kumar. The LMRK members though located in many countries work together as one team to carry out the divine duties assigned by Lord Muruga to Shri Rejith Kumar. As instructed by Lord Muruga Shri Rejith Kumar plays the role of a captain and fosters brotherhood amongst the members of the LMRK Mission guiding them in their spiritual as well as material progress. Lord Muruga has revealed to Shri Rejith Kumar that the ancient souls of Kumarikandam having Kartika or Pleiadian energies would be spiritually awakened and be automatically drawn to the LMRK Mission to serve by carrying out their divine duties.  It is significant to note that more than 2000 members from all walks of life in 15 countries have come together for this sacred cause.

When was it formed?

On 01-May-17, an auspicious Sashti day, the Lion Mayura Royal Kingdom was registered as a trust having its headquarters in Thrissur, India. A special pooja was performed in Valli Sunai at the Pazhani temple complex, to begin the LMRK mission with Lord Muruga’s blessings.

LMRK’S First Divine Duty –  The Mayura Simhasana Pradishta

On 09-May-17 the LMRK Mission was assigned its First Divine Duty by Lord Muruga i.e. the pradishta of the Holy Thiruvadi and Vel on the Mayura Simhasanam at Zero Time Zone in Wales, (UK) as the energies relevant to the Muruga Yugam begins at Zero.   The Mayura Simhasanam which was created as per Lord Muruga’s direction was honoured at Pazhani on 30-Sep-18. The Mayura Simhasana Thiruvizha was held by LMRK Members and special prayers were offered for the Mayura Simhasanam at Aivar Malai followed by a Girivalam around Pazhani Malai and a Public function attended by devotees. The Pradishta of the Mayura Simhasanam took place at the Thanthondri Anjaneyar Temple at Wales, (UK) on 14-Nov-18 at 11.30 AM GMT. Lord Muruga further revealed to Shri Rejith Kumar that the completion of the First Divine Duty signifies the beginning of His reign and that His Divine energies have begun spreading all over the world. 

LMRK Production Company and LMRK TV Network

The LMRK Mission started its Film Production Company called ‘Royal Kingdom Creations’ on 01-Jan-20 in Chennai (India) under the blessings and direction of Lord Muruga. Another initiative taken by the LMRK Mission is its partnership with Tatwamayi TV Channel in Trivandrum (India). The aim is to communicate the divine revelations in an impactful way to the public worldwide.

LMRK’S Second Divine Duty – The Switzerland Pradishta

The Second Divine Duty given to the LMRK Mission was the Pradishta of Lord Kulanthai Velayudha Swamy and Sri Anjaneyar in Worb, Switzerland. This was revealed to Shri Rejith Kumar by Lord Muruga during his visit to the Shambala Point (Khamrin Khiid Monastery) in Mongolia on 30-Mar-19. To honour the Moorthies, the Pazhani-Switzerland Selva Thiruvizha was held in Pazhani where special prayers were offered to the Moorthies at Anjaneyar Malai, Aivar Malai followed by a spiritually vibrant Girivalam around the Pazhani Malai. The pradishta took place successfully on 12-Apr-20 under the guidance and protection of Lord Muruga at the ‘Animamundi Cultural Center’ in Worb, Switzerland at exactly 12.00 AM (Zero Time) to signify the Avataric energy presence of Lord Muruga as Lord Kulandhai Velayudha Swamy in His Navapashana Form. As per the divine revelations given to Shri Rejith Kumar - Lord Muruga has chosen to appear in the Navapashana form to signify healing for the world and also to move the world from its current zero-state to a state of financial prosperity by manifesting positive changes in the Global Monetary System. The Pradishta, which falls on Easter Day, also is a day which commemorates ‘International Human Space Flight Day’. The significance of its connection to the mission will be known in the future 

Changes on the Earth’s Physical Plane - After the completion of the Second Divine Duty in April 2020, Lord Muruga revealed to Shri Rejith Kumar that it was time for the changes to manifest at a physical level on Earth. It was during this period Shri Rejith Kumar felt his mind go to ‘Zero-state’ and had a profound experience of seeing Lord Shiva physically for a few seconds in a black form near a Wormhole to signify His divine presence as a Universal power and also as its guardian. (Wormholes are the openings of a portal that can be used to travel from one place to another and across dimensions).  Shri Rejith Kumar also had a mind-stilling experience of seeing Lord Muruga physically manifest in front of his eyes in his pooja room as a young youth and revealed that the special blessings of Lord Shiva of Chidambaram related to Space were with him and that knowledge and Siddhis in the form of blessings will come to him that will help him in carrying out his future divine duties worldwide.

Empowerment of Women - Shri Rejith Kumar under the divine blessings and direction of Lord Muruga transmits the energies of Divine Mother Adi Parasakthi to the Lady Members of the LMRK Mission through virtual meetings. This would help empower them in their personal, professional, and spiritual lives and prepare them for their future roles in the LMRK mission. 

Celebrations of Festivals under Lord Muruga’s Direction (2020-21)

v  Aadi Madham - Kandha Puranam Madham Event -  Lord Muruga directed the LMRK Mission to spread the sacred Kandha Sashti Kavasam for the welfare of the world and declared that soon it would become a movement. LMRK Members read the Kandha Puranam and special discourses were held regarding it during the Tamil Month of Aadi to spread awareness about it. The LMRK Members held a special virtual event on    16-Aug-20 where the Kandha Sashti Kavasam was sung and their families took part in music and dance performances related to Lord Muruga.

v    Navarathiri Events (17-Oct-20 to 26-Oct-20)9 Special Blessings of Lord Muruga -  Shri Rejith Kumar was directed by Lord Muruga to perform special poojas through which people received blessings in various aspects of their lives such as Wisdom, Profession, Wealth, Health, Art, Love, World Peace, Blessings of Siddhars and Gurus, and Universal higher dimensional energies. Special Education Blessings for Children (24-Oct-20) - Shri Rejith Kumar gave a talk on the importance of education to the children of LMRK Members and passed Lord Muruga’s special energy blessing related to education to them. Special Pooja for Lord Muruga and Sixth Sense Activation (26-Oct-20) -  Shri Rejith  Kumar performed a special pooja for Lord Muruga and gave an energy deekshai for the very first time under the divine direction of Lord Muruga through a live event.

He shares that in Muruga Yugam we would very much require the 6th energy of Lord Muruga and the soul of the person so attuned will advance well in their financial as well as spiritual aspects. 

   Kandha Sashti Event (15-Nov-20 to 22-Nov-20) - The LMRK Mission celebrated the Kandha Sashti event during the 6 days of Sashti, the Thirukalyanam day, and the day following it by observing silence as per the divine direction of Lord Muruga. Shri Rejith Kumar shared that this ‘Silent Meditation’ would help the LMRK members tap the ‘power of silence’ within and help them to receive the energy blessings of Lord Muruga to carry out their future duties. The Kandha Sashti event concluded with a special live event on 22-Nov-20 from Lord Dhandayuthapani’s temple complex in Pazhani through which Shri Rejith Kumar held a 15-minute silent meditation and passed Lord Muruga’s energy blessings to all those present during the live program.

v  Karthigai Deepam Day Celebrations (29-Nov-20) - Shri Rejith Kumar along with other LMRK Members prayed at the Padha Vinayagar temple at the foothills and climbed up the Aivar Malai and offered their prayers while doing a pradakshina around Sri Kulanthai Velappar temple located on top of Aivar Malai near Pazhani. They then climbed down to visit the Sri Idumban ‘s Sanctum where Shri Rejith Kumar offered his prayers and did pooja to the Shiva Lingam there.  Shri Rejith Kumar then prayed at Sri Draupadhi Devi’s Shrine and then did a special pooja for the Shiva Lingam inside the Aivar Malai Cave along with LMRK members. Shri Rejith Kumar and a group of LMRK Members did archana and special prayers in the evening to Lord Sundareswarar and Sri Meenakshi Amman at Arulmigu Meenakshi Amman Thirukoil in Pazhani. The deepam for the Karthigai Girivalam was lit at the main sanctum of Lord Sundareswarar. Shri Rejith Kumar along with LMRK Members reverentially completed the Girivalam around Pazhani Malai.

Bharat Parikrama (07-Mar-21 to 23-Mar-21) - Shri Rejith Kumar’s Mother Smt.Sulochana attained Mukthi on 31-Jan-21. She now guides, protects, and helps the LMRK Mission as a Shakthi Energy in Her Light Body Form. She gave Shri Rejith Kumar a vision as ‘Bharat Matha’ and Shri Rejith Kumar took it as a divine indication to do a Bharat Parikrama where he would visit various holy places of ancient Bharat and along the way immerse the ashes of his mother. He was guided by Lord Shiva, Lord Muruga, His Mother, and Emperor Vikramaditya during the Bharat Parikrama. The places he visited include - Puri, Hastinapur, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Badrinath, Ayodhya, Prayagraj, Kasi, Ujjain, Dwaraka, Pazhani, and the Sankara Mutts established by Adi Sankaracharya at Badrinath, Puri, Dwaraka, Sringeri and Kanchipuram. Shri Rejith Kumar shares that he received the special blessings of Adi Sankaracharya and that he would henceforth guide the LMRK Mission. Shri Rejith Kumar also had the blessed opportunity to take darshan of Devi Vishalakshi of Kasi, Devi Meenakshi of Madurai, and Devi Kamakshi of Kanchipuram during his Bharat Parikrama

The Vision of the Aghori Siddhar and Divine Mother Sulochana - Shri Rejith Kumar visited a mystical place in the Himalayas where the priest guided him to a tree, where there was a cave nearby with a Shiva Lingam inside. Shri Rejith Kumar did Abhishek to the Shiva Lingam there. The priest asked him to tie a thread around the tree saying whatever he wished for will come true if he were to do so and gave him the thread. Shri Rejith Kumar then closed his eyes, touched the tree, and began tying the thread around the tree. It was at this time he had a vision of seeing an Aghori Siddhar against a backdrop of the majestic Himalayas covered with mist. The Aghori Siddhar’s body was smeared with holy ash, and he had dreadlocks (Jada Mudi) and a beard. Divine Mother Sulochana then appeared next to him in a saffron- coloured saree with her garment fluttering gently in the breeze. The Aghori Siddhar showed Amma where her son was. She happily smiled at him and waved with one hand and showed the victory symbol with the other hand. Shri Rejith Kumar found the Siddhar to be continually smiling at him and believes that the Aghori Siddhar was none other than Lord Shiva Himself. Shri Rejith Kumar shares this as one of his most profound experiences and reveals that he was given the necessary messages, siddhis, and blessings by Lord Muruga that will help take the LMRK Mission to the next level and it was only with His divine protection he could complete the Bharat Parikrama

LMRK Mission Flag Launch (01-May-21) - The LMRK Mission inaugurated its flag on its 4th anniversary i.e. 01-May-21 from its headquarters in Thrissur. The design of the Flag was kept in prayers by Shri Rejith Kumar and finalised under the direction of Lord Muruga. It is blue and golden and has the symbol of the Vel, 10 Stars, and the geographic representation of Kumari Kandam. It is golden in colour to indicate the return of the Golden Age in Muruga Yugam, and the 10 stars indicate divine powers like Lord Shiva, Adi Para Sakthi, Lord Muruga, the Kumari Kandam Ancestors, and the Siddha Parampara (Lineage) such as Bogar Siddhar, Pulipani Siddhar, Maha Avatar Babaji. Shri Rejith Kumar requested the LMRK Members to keep the Flag in their pooja room to receive blessings through it. Shri Rejith Kumar shares that the LMRK Flag comes with the blessings of the Kumari Kandam ancestors and under Muruga Peruman’s direction. Wherever Kumari Kandam souls are present in the world, they will connect and come forward to join under this Flag and this will become a powerful movement

To know more about the LMRK Mission - Contact Person: Mr. Baskar - +91 98849 58670

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                                                                          Om Saravana Bhavaya Namaha


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